Optional IDFA Collection

IDFA Collection is optional within the Braze SDK and disabled by default. IDFA Collection is required if you intend to utilize our install attribution integrations. However, we may develop additional features in the future which would benefit from the collection of your IDFA. If you opt to store your IDFA, we will store it free of charge so you may take advantage of these options immediately upon release without additional development work.

As a result, we recommend continuing to collect the IDFA if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You are using advertising elsewhere in the app or through our in-app News Feed
  • You are attributing app installation to a previously served advertisement
  • You are attributing an action within the application to a previously served advertisement

IDFA collection is enabled by implementing the ABKIDFADelegate protocol. Please check IDFADelegate for a full sample code.

```objective-c #import "IDFADelegate.h" #import <AdSupport/ASIdentifierManager.h> @implementation IDFADelegate - (NSString *)advertisingIdentifierString { return [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString]; } - (BOOL)isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled { return [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]; } @end ```
```swift import Appboy_iOS_SDK import AdSupport class IDFADelegate: NSObject, ABKIDFADelegate { func advertisingIdentifierString() -> String { return ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString } func isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled() -> Bool { return ASIdentifierManager.shared().isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled } } ```

Approximate iOS SDK Size {#ios-sdk-size}

The approximate iOS SDK framework file size is 30MB and the approximate .ipa (addition to app file) size is between 1MB and 2MB.

Braze measures the size of our iOS SDK by observing the SDK's effect on .ipa size, per Apple's recommendations on app sizing. If you are calculating the iOS SDK's size addition to your application, we recommend following the steps under "Getting an App Size Report" to compare the size difference in your .ipa before and after integrating the Braze iOS SDK. When comparing sizes from the App Thinning Size Report, we also recommend looking at app sizes for thinned .ipa files, as universal .ipa files will be larger than the binaries downloaded from the App Store and installed onto user devices.

If you are integrating via Cocoapods with use_frameworks!, set Enable Bitcode = NO in target's Build Settings for accurate sizing.

Verbose Logging

To enable verbose logging for debugging, add a dictionary named Appboy to your Info.plist file. Inside the Appboy Dictionary, add the LogLevel String subentry and set the value to "0".

This feature is only intended to be used in development environments and should not be set in a released application.

Example Info.plist contents:
